News and articles


PPP Update for Business Owners

On April 23 Congress added significant additional funding to support the PPP and other disaster-related loan programs, the original funding having been quickly exhausted. A portion of the new funding is earmarked specifically to provide assistance to small and minority-owned business and financial institutions.

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Unemployment Insurance for Self-Employed, Gig Workers and Independent Contractors

Governmental unemployment assistance is typically not available for the self-employed, “gig” workers, independent contractors and others who do not have a traditional “employer-employee” relationship. As a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, federal and state governments have acted to expand unemployment coverage to many of these individuals who have lost business income.

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COVID-19 and Insurance Issues

While there have been frequent news reports regarding denials of business interruption coverage by insurance companies during the coronavirus outbreak, review of the policy itself is important. Attorney Jim Sheils explains why.

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